
Integration Program

AUCOTEC develops simple article master data import for eClass Advanced and Eplan P8® format

Ein Objekt alle Sichten aus der Stammdatenbank von AUCOTEC

Hannover, |

At the SPS IPC DRIVES trade fair, AUCOTEC AG will be presenting a new import function for article master data of various standards, thus demonstrating yet another special integration-friendly facet of its database-driven software system Engineering Base (EB).

At the Nürnberg trade fair, AUCOTEC will prove the fact that EB is still capable of more - in addition to its embedding of quality-tested mechatronic modules for modular engineering, its connection to ERP and EDM/PDM systems, its PLC/PLS integration, and its links to process engineering, hydraulics, pneumatics, 3D cabinet design or production automation. Its latest achievement in the field of integration: EB is now able to read and import article master data not only to eClass Advanced, but also to Eplan P8® standards, thus making it immediately available for use in design processes.

CAE-compliant depth of information

With its unique depth of information, the eClass-Standard Advanced 7.x now provides engineers with CAE-compliant master data which can be utilised accordingly for their areas of responsibility. EB is already equipped for this purpose. The database-driven platform is easily able to read any master data provided in this standard by the component manufacturers.

Symbols included

In addition, AUCOTEC will also be presenting its newly developed import filter for Eplan P8® data at SPS IPC DRIVES: based on the widespread XML format for Eplan P8® article master data, EB can now import directly all the information included. The Eplan format is characterised by the fact that it not only contains the usual business and technical data (e. g., order number, current, voltage and performance), but also the symbols for displaying the components. EB is able to import all this information easily in one operation. More than 40 major manufacturers already provide their article master data in this well-documented format.

® EPLAN Electric P8 is a registered trademark of EPLAN Software & Service GmbH & Co. KG

Aucotec at SPS IPC DRIVES: hall 7A, stand no. 140



Johanna Kiesel

: +49 511 61 03-186


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